What is the basic principle of distillation for my 11 year olds science project please? - distillation basics
The evaporation of a liquid by boiling or condensing steam: a concentrated essence.
What is the basic principle of distillation for my 11 year olds science project please? - distillation basics
The evaporation of a liquid by boiling or condensing steam: a concentrated essence.
Boiling liquid, usually a mix or something that is impure, for example, certain marine waters.
A picture teapot .. Steam rises to top, but then led into a condenser where it cools and condenses into water that you drink when it cools.
A capacitor could be made up of two tubes, with one another, the condensate is (are made of pure condensate) runs in the middle and the cooling water passes through the middle.
The water in the kettle "salt retains such impurities. Finally, we have the" empty cup "and begins again as the" salt "to concentrate.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillatio ...
Nice picture here is better than my explanation!
Their separate a mixture of two or more liquids. Works by boiling, because liquids are different. So basically it is heated to boiling liquid and vapor collection. An example would be if you are a mixture of water and alcohol, heat above 70 degrees, collect and steam, the only alcohol.
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