Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Happens If Lung Cancer Is In Lymph Nodes Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

Stage 4 Lung Cancer? - what happens if lung cancer is in lymph nodes

The likely result? I need to know to find the truth. My husband (48) was diagnosed with primary lung cancer secondary to the lymph nodes in the chest and neck and secondary liver cancer. He was diagnosed in mid-November and cause only temporary pain in the wrists and other joints. Analysis to confirm further. DRS can not find the primary, but say it appears that lung cancer and treat it as such. They said that sometimes the primary tumor shows ??????? . The doctor said it was live between 12-18 months. He is in his 2nd Dose of chemotherapy tomorrow. What can we expect during chemotherapy? 2 weeks, a week of rest is our schedule for a total of 18 weeks. How to be as "normal view" is hard to believe what is happening to him. I wonder if it will significantly decline during chemotherapy? Anyone with information is) (good or bad appreciated. I would expect the truth and what is, no matter whatsoever. Thanks


aldebara... said...

I'm sorry. Really hard to many, to find the answer to this question, because no one likes the bearer of bad news. With all due respect, not a doctor giving you an honest time, because it destroys the hope of all concerned. You may end up waiting for the inevitable as long, or living life fully and without a penny, because you think you have 2 months after the end when he is 2 years. It's harder than you could ever make, and take the hope is like destroying your common sense.

Cancer is personal and survival rates are too. But in the course of lung cancer than the brush fire. Now, in the liver and lymph nodes in the neck, will not last long. I can not say how long - it depends on many things, such as chemotherapy, for example. For example, my aunt had a primary colorectal cancer from the time he moved to his lungs until he has left is four weeks. She reached her lymph nodes in the neck and liver. She had no chemotherapy. She was 54th My cousin in law had a primary lung cancer that spread to his liver andhis brain. He was diagnosed because of headache. From the time of diagnosis until we further 5 weeks. He was 45th

I am a doctor, and I saw people fighting cancer years, months, weeks and not at all. Some wins lose the battle, but most are. I have not a single patient who survived high school, but in my experience. I am not sure that some of them.

My proposal is more favorable for you is the following. Everything is in order, so there's nothing you can do to enjoy their time together on the left side. Treasure each other and say they love. Do not wait until the end. Housework and go to hell with the work. At the end of the day is all that is important to you that you have the time, the time you have held the left to appreciate. I said my goodbye to my family and returned to work until her death. It is my greatest regret, because, count for nothing as a family. I was too realistic and not pity. In the end I did not mind.

Sorry if this message is for you. I wISH could be prepared. Check each day as it comes.

You are in my prayers tonight.

Problem Child said...

Sorry to hear that. The diagnosis is not good, especially with liver metastases and lymph nodes. This means it is very late in the game, but not yet completed. The people have the stage again about 4 lung. Treatment can be effective. Chemo is rough. I am sure that very aggressive in this phase. You write it, too? He will kick his ass. I beat him and get a support group set up. Talk to other survivors and their families. So, put your affairs in order. It is hard but if you do not have a will also get a. Home received authority to make sure that a proxy health, life and order, if DNR is what he wants. He must explain how he wants to go to treatment and what you want when you can not decide (Terry Schiavo)
Also, you should go to a major cancer center ... fast. They have all the evidence and new ideas that can the life of the birds.
See for the Center office nearest you.

Most of you all, and he must stay positive. Nonhodgkins lymphoma 4 was 2 years ago. I STIll live is good and still fighting. I work, attend school full-time care. His case is somewhat different, but you can win

Good luck to you and your family.

jackie_j... said...

I'm sorry that you and your husband need to go through them. My husband had lung cancer and brain and died almost 2 years. Chemotherapy can be very hard, but for some people going through chemotherapy and have no side effects. The main concern of the doctors that the disease progresses, it is maintaining its comfortable and painless. They did it with my husband and he has not seen in the last weeks of his life. Take all the help and support they can get now because they really need.

prakash s said...

the fourth phase of the lung has a poor prognosis.chemo about side effects such as decreased white blood cell count, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, sore throat and mouth sores, etc., but it is the belief in doc temporary.have --- God and you all know the response to chemotherapy to be useful.

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